Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 22

This is the final blog for my 20% project.  Today, I would like to talk about my journal in blogging and in my 20 Percent Project.  Last Friday, I presented my project for my class, and I would like to say that I did a nice job.  I have made a Prezi where I talked about what is my project, what I have done in it, and the benefits of it.  My presentation went really good; it was easy to tell what I have done in my project and the video of my girls talking in Arabic showed that I taught them a lot. But I will be honest to say that I was surprised to see others' presentations and their projects.  I was honestly expecting more from the class.  We have been working for all year long and most of students didn't do a good job.
However, today I would like to say that I am so proud to be at this point.  I have learned some new things from doing this project, also I have learned like five phrases in Spanish!!
If you guys would like to see my presentation, here is the URL:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 21

This week is basically the last week.  This week I am going to present my project.  I was worry a little bit about time, but today I am more comfortable.  I have made a video for my girls, showing that they know Arabic.  My idea first was to make a dialogue where they will say the sentences that they know.  But I had a hard time doing that with them because Monica haven't memorize that much.  I was very frustrating.  Mariela had an idea, which was singing an easy song.  This idea was gonna make my head explode, because the video needs to be done by the next day and I am sure that they, especially Monica, won't be able to memorize the song... Until my Arabic friend "Aya" came with the idea of teaching them the song "Happy Birthday."  I liked the idea, and it was pretty easy.  After that I came up with the idea of the video and three phrases to add after the song.  In that day everything went good.
Here is Thursday has come, tomorrow I am going to present.  Monica still not sure of the other sentence that she is going to say after the song, she can't even say it!!!!!  I was getting mad, but I didn't want to show.  Aya was able to understand how I feel because she felt the same, and she came up with the idea that I also was thinking about.  Which is switching the sentences-make Mareila say Monica's sentence and Monica say Mariela's sentence.  That worked a little bit better with Monica.
However, we were able to finish the video, which is what I want so everything else doesn't matter anymore....
I would like to say thank you for everyone who was keeping up with the newest of my blog.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 20

This week was good, not too much work in school, easy homework, but only two exams.  School now is almost over.  I already started counting down.  Sometimes I feel that I don't want school to be over, but we'll come back next year.  I am doing my best right now to save memories with everyone.  Simply by taking photos and then putting them in an album telling a story of everyday.  Life doesn't last forever so that I just want to have something reminds me of everyone, in case anyone will leave.
However, I practiced Arabic with Mariela for a little bit during class time because we could not meet after school.  Now I think it's really funny because every time we plan for a day, something happen so we end up not staying and the following days we will be busy, while in the days before the plan day we have time but it's already over!!
Next week, I will present my project to my class, showing them what I have done.  I really want to show something makes me proud.  Teaching was not easy, especially with Monica.  I will be honest to say that Monica gave me hard time working with her, while I am truly so lucky to have Mariela.  She learn fast, memorize, and pronounce easily.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 19

This week is not good as what I thought that it would be.  It did not match with my expectations... This week is so hot, and I am, very busy.  Everyday I am having a test so that everyday I go home really quickly especially that the weather is so hot, and I need more time than usual to do homework and study for tests.  Beside that I am working on other projects such like in chemistry.  There is so many work in school and there is only about 25 days left for school.  I didn't work during this week with Mariela or even Monica.  I think that I am not going to work with Monica anymore, but I will work with Mariela.  I talked to Mariela and she said that we will meet and work next week.  Hopefully nothing will happen and miss up our plans.  The plan is to meet on Wednesday just like what we used to do.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 18

Eighteen weeks since I have started my project, Ten weeks since the begin of the second semester.  I will be honest to say that the improvement have been really slow, but it seems that everything will be way better in the next three weeks.  Yesterday, Mariela came up to me and she asked, "Do you still working on your project? Do you wanna teach me more?" I was really happy to hear that.  Then I found out that she asked because sometimes when we play in PE, she wants to tell me something but she doesn't want anyone to hear it .. Therefore she want to tell me in Arabic so that no one ever will understand what we are saying.
We planned to start meeting after school and work just like what we used to do.  Also today in the morning, in PE class, I was reviewing the old phrases with her and also taught me some Spanish.  I really like that Mariela likes Arabic and the Arabic culture.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Week 17

This week is the ninth week since the begin of the second semester, and just like other weeks, I didn't work on the project because my girls does not helping out.  I will be honest to say that I did not even ask them, because I have noticed that they do not want to work so I do not want them to work with me just because they are being nice to me.  Therefore, I would like to say that I am very thankful for them especially Mariela, because she helped me out from the begin of my project; she was there for me and without her I do not really know what I would have done.  I am not even sure that I could have worked in this specific project, because none of the people that I knew in the begin of the year was willing to learn a new language....  I would like to say that I have spent a very nice time working with Mariela, we honestly had a lot of fun, and we could spent more time with each other.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 16

This week is over, It's Friday already!!  Eight weeks since the begin of the second semester, and the sixteenth since the begin of the year.  I didn't work on anything this week, And I don't even think that I'll work on anything new.. I don't quit easily, but if the two girls doesn't want to work and learn so I got nothing to do.  I'll just make sure that they know everything I taught them so that I will take a video for them talking in Arabic and that will be the last thing to do.
It's sad that it's over and I really feel bad for that, but however the project is due next month so I will just take it easy and be proud of what I have done so far.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 15

This week was a very busy week, I didn't even have a chance to work!! Last week we had the CAHSEE, California High School Exit Exam, for couple days so that it was a shorter week than any other weeks.  Therefore I didn't work with any of the girls.  But this week is different!! It all about tests and quizzes because next week is going to be the Spring Break..
I honestly bored from teaching Arabic, but sure I won't quit. It's just that I am tired of following my friends and keep on following them to keep them on track and they are too far,,, they need to meet half the way and show some effort.  But even though I ain't tell them that because I don't want them to be bothered or feel that I am enforcing them to work while they do not really need to do it!!!!!


Week 14

This week- the week number fourteen- was okay! And this blog is the sixth blog in the second semester of school.  Throughout this week I've worked with Monica a little bit but more with Mariela; because I am able to work with Mariela during PE class.  But when it comes to Monica, she does not have time!!  Arabic now is more fun with Mariela because we enjoy playing and just practicing random phrases.  But even though there is always going to be a bad part which is that Monica is not responding to what I have been teaching her.  It's been for a long time since I have start to work with Monica, but till now she does not use the phrases easily or even say them without having something like a list, flash cards, etc.  But at the same time she keeps telling me that she is practicing, but let's be honest, she does not know what I have taught her before as well as she supposed to be while she is practicing them.... However, she is really being nice and I appreciate that she is involved in my project in teaching process....

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 13

Finally a new week has become... I really want this week to be better than the previous one.  By the way this is the thirteenth week for my project. It seems really long!!!!!!  But it's not really just thirteen weeks since I have started this project, because there were some weeks when we didn't have school.
This week was really better. So I can say that my wish came true. :D In this week, I met Monica and we worked for a little bit. I didn't teach her anything new, we just worked on the old things.  But I have worked with Mariela like three days! Which is really good.  I have been playing with her tennis and I taught her some phrases that relate to the game. Such like: Are you ready? I am always ready. That was not good. Look! Oh my God!  Look how ugly is that girl! Look how beautiful is that. Amazing! You are beautiful.....
That was really fun, we enjoyed playing and working on Arabic. I am always proud of Mariela! She learn really well ...
To be continued ........

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 12

This week was the week number twelve.  This week passed with only one new thing!  I could not work with Monica at all, because I had another business to take care of after school - which was more important- in the day that she was free.  But even though I gave the flashcards to Mariela, and during my PE class, I reviewed the phrases with her and I taught her a few new phrases. But even though I do not think that is enough, and I need to work more. But I have no idea how...
My project is going really slow, and I have to do something to keep it up.  But I honestly have no idea what to do!!  Especially that I have no control over what is going on with both girls, from practice and some life situations.  Anybody has any idea that can help me?? Please comment below if you do. Thank you.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 11

It have been eleventh weeks since I have started my 20 Percent Project. . They are eleven weeks!! It seems really long, but I feel that it wasn't that long... This week was one of the shortest weeks for me in the school year.  On Monday there was no school, and on Thursday and Friday I was gone in a trip so I didn't have the chance to work after school.  Beside that on Tuesday and Wednesday Monica and Mariela couldn't work with me.
but the good news that I gave Monica the flash cards and she found them really useful!  And she said that they helped her to memorize them even better.  The next week I will absolutely work with Mariela, and I will make flash cards for her.
At the same time, I will do flsh cards for the alphabet.  Hopefully everything will be well done by May.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 10

The first semester is over, and a new semester came. This week is the second week of the second semester but the tenth week since I have started my project.  This week was shorter than other weeks because we did not have school on Monday.  during this week  I could not work with Mariela for some reason, but I worked with Monica, but for only short time.
Now I know what is the hard part that Monica is struggling with and stands in her way to speak Arabic, Which is that she can't say all what she learned from her memory and most of the phrases she doesn't know what they mean if she does not have the list in front of her so she can read them.  Because in the list, the phrases are in Arabic and in English.  I made the flash cards but I did not give them to any of the girls yet.  But now I think that Monica needs the flash cards so hopefully that will help her know the phrases better than when she reads them from the list.
I kinda of having the same thing when it comes to memorize words, but to be honest I am better than my students.  For example, I took French before and I did memorize phrases very well, also I know some phrases in Japanese that my uncle's wife taught me.  Actually she did the same that I am doing with my students but the difference is that she taught me only once about twenty phrases and I practiced them by my self. Beside that I can count to ten in Japanese.  And the good thing that I still remember some of them after more than 4 years!!  Also I learned some phrases in Turkish by myself, while I have watched Turkish series that are translated to Arabic!!  That might be the reason that I don't think that learning some phrases in a new language is very hard.
Now it's February 13,14, and I have decided to finish working on the phrases within the next couple weeks.  Then I will teach them the alphabet and the numbers.  And the rest of the days, I might teach them some random words.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 9

After couple weeks of break, we came back to continue on working on my project.  This is the ninth week since I have started my project. That was a long break and then we had the finals and to be honest I haven't work on my project throughout this time.  I have taught Monica all the phrases that I taught to Mariela and even  a few more. Monica learn fast, but Mariela memories better.  But the good thing that I see Monica more in the school and so many times we talk in Arabic using the phrases that she have learned.  At the same time, I have noticed that Monica forget easily.  So without practicing she lose what she learned. But Mariela still remember everything even though we haven't work after a long time ago.
I always try to keep my students willing to learn and adding some fun for the weekly lesson.  Also as I like it when someone encourage me, I am encouraging both girls to learn.  I have talked to Mariela and she wants to continue on working with me on my project.  So I am thinking of plan for a day where I meet both girls together, especially that they almost know the same phrases.  Now I just want to keep on track with Mariela, and keep working with Monica to make her memories what she have learned so that she can use them easier.  I have also made the flash cards and I will give it to both girls this week.  Beside that I will try my best to make both girls memorize everything really well by the end of this month so that I can teach them the alphabet during March and in April and May we will be working on other simple words and sentences.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week 8

This is the eighth week.  I am not satisfied about last week because it just passed and we didn't do any improvement.  So I am not going to allow this week to pass like the last one. Therefore I decided to start trying and applying my ideas of new ways for teaching.  Also I start to ask people around me if they have any ideas I can do.  They liked my idea but till now none of them has different ones...!
Even though I am not really good at drawing, but I will try my best to made cartoon drawings which might be easier than any other characters.  However it does not need to be perfect just a symbol so it can help her memories the phrases better than the table.  And will see what will happen.
I made the drawings and honestly I found it harder than what I thought before. I will try to make a better ones in the future. My drawings are hilarious.
This week I started to teach a new girl .. her name is Monica.  We are friends in the same English class,  She is really willing to learn Arabic.  Even she has a soccer practice after school but she do her best to find time so that we can stay after school.  Beside that I am reviewing everything with her everyday. She learned really fast.  I am proud of my new student.
Now absolutely we start from the begin with the basics. And I will talk to Mariela about how to do new things.