Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 15

This week was a very busy week, I didn't even have a chance to work!! Last week we had the CAHSEE, California High School Exit Exam, for couple days so that it was a shorter week than any other weeks.  Therefore I didn't work with any of the girls.  But this week is different!! It all about tests and quizzes because next week is going to be the Spring Break..
I honestly bored from teaching Arabic, but sure I won't quit. It's just that I am tired of following my friends and keep on following them to keep them on track and they are too far,,, they need to meet half the way and show some effort.  But even though I ain't tell them that because I don't want them to be bothered or feel that I am enforcing them to work while they do not really need to do it!!!!!


Week 14

This week- the week number fourteen- was okay! And this blog is the sixth blog in the second semester of school.  Throughout this week I've worked with Monica a little bit but more with Mariela; because I am able to work with Mariela during PE class.  But when it comes to Monica, she does not have time!!  Arabic now is more fun with Mariela because we enjoy playing and just practicing random phrases.  But even though there is always going to be a bad part which is that Monica is not responding to what I have been teaching her.  It's been for a long time since I have start to work with Monica, but till now she does not use the phrases easily or even say them without having something like a list, flash cards, etc.  But at the same time she keeps telling me that she is practicing, but let's be honest, she does not know what I have taught her before as well as she supposed to be while she is practicing them.... However, she is really being nice and I appreciate that she is involved in my project in teaching process....

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 13

Finally a new week has become... I really want this week to be better than the previous one.  By the way this is the thirteenth week for my project. It seems really long!!!!!!  But it's not really just thirteen weeks since I have started this project, because there were some weeks when we didn't have school.
This week was really better. So I can say that my wish came true. :D In this week, I met Monica and we worked for a little bit. I didn't teach her anything new, we just worked on the old things.  But I have worked with Mariela like three days! Which is really good.  I have been playing with her tennis and I taught her some phrases that relate to the game. Such like: Are you ready? I am always ready. That was not good. Look! Oh my God!  Look how ugly is that girl! Look how beautiful is that. Amazing! You are beautiful.....
That was really fun, we enjoyed playing and working on Arabic. I am always proud of Mariela! She learn really well ...
To be continued ........

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 12

This week was the week number twelve.  This week passed with only one new thing!  I could not work with Monica at all, because I had another business to take care of after school - which was more important- in the day that she was free.  But even though I gave the flashcards to Mariela, and during my PE class, I reviewed the phrases with her and I taught her a few new phrases. But even though I do not think that is enough, and I need to work more. But I have no idea how...
My project is going really slow, and I have to do something to keep it up.  But I honestly have no idea what to do!!  Especially that I have no control over what is going on with both girls, from practice and some life situations.  Anybody has any idea that can help me?? Please comment below if you do. Thank you.